Together we can make the difference to ensure that we, as a school and you as a parent/carer, have adequate information to ensure the best outcome for our students and children. There are many ways for us to communicate effectively.
These interviews will be conducted with your child's Semester 2 teacher, and are the perfect opportunity for you to connect with your child's teacher.
Date: Monday 22 July 2024
Times: 11:20am to 5:00pm (last interview timeslot at 4:50pm). The school will open at 11:00am. Please enter via the pedestrian gate 5 (next to the administration office).
Important Information:
- Please check your child's new Semester 2 timetable, not your child's Semester 1 report card.
- Please ensure that you book with the current Semester 2 teachers.
- Student timetables can be accessed via OneSchool (student access only) or via QParents or by asking your child.
- If your child has two teachers (co-teaching) for the same subject, please ensure you only book an interview with one of those teachers.

Parent Teacher Interviews are held twice per year:
Monday of Term 1, Week 6
Monday of Term 3, Week 3
All classes are cancelled on these days - students are not expected to attend.
Interview bookings will open one week prior to interviews via SOBS (School Online Booking System). The school will notify parents and carers via email when the interview bookings are open.
Follow this link to book -
Please note - parents and carers will need to know your child's teacher names and EQID. These can be found on student timetables, either via OneSchool or via QParents.
Parents are encouraged to join QParents. QParents is a secure portal that provides parents of Queensland State School students with a new and exciting way of connecting with their school.
Use QParents to manage all of your children’s details and have access to:
- Student timetable
- School attendance records
- School behaviour records
- Invoices and payments
- School report cards
- School enrolment history
- Student school photo
You can also:
- provide reasons for past unexplained absences
- advise the school of future absences
- notify the school of changes to student address, date of birth, and medical conditions
Register with QParents using your unique invitation code sent by the school. Please consider registering, as we move to use this as our portal for excursion and permissions.
If you need the code resent, please email the QParents team at Caboolture SHS
See the flyer below for instructions on how to join QParents.
QParents Information.pdf
Our social media pages are helpful ways of being informed and staying in contact.
Like our Facebook page:
Follow us on Instagram:
Our newsletters are distributed via email once a term. Please ensure we have your correct email address. To update your details, please contact our office on 5498 0111.
Whilst parents are encouraged to contact the school to speak with staff, please note that teachers may not always be able to answer calls during lesson times.
Staff emails are listed in the 'Our Staff' section.