Creativity Hub Showcase Events
Throughout the year, our students are provided with many opportunities to showcase the amazing work created in class to a live audience.
Students always love performing to friends, family, and the local community at events such as:
- Dance Night
- Dance Ed in the Spotlight
- Music Night
- MAD Night - Music, Art and Drama
- Drama Festival
- Clowning Night
- Performances at local organisations and businesses
- Instrumental Music showcases
- Art Gallery exhibition at local art gallery
- Performances at school events such as Induction, Cross Country, Awards Night, Sports Awards Night, Valedictory, weekly assemblies
- Creative Generation (2021)
Dance Eisteddfod
Alongside our Dance Curriculum, we offer students the opportunity to audition for our Dance Eisteddfod teams and represent our school at a number of eisteddfods and showcase events throughout the year. This is an extension opportunity for experienced dancers who have a genuine passion for dance and a willingness to learn and grow. Students in the teams make a commitment to attend the weekly rehearsals including some before school, lunchtime, and afterschool rehearsals.

The school musical production is held on a biennial basis and is a fun and exciting extra-curricular activity for all students from Years 7-12 to be involved in. Students audition for acting, singing, and dancing roles and if they would like to be considered for a lead role, they will be required for further auditions.
The musical provides an opportunity for students who love to perform to be on stage in front of a live audience. Our tradition of inviting our feeder Primary schools to be a part of the audience for the matinee performance is always exciting for everyone involved.
We accommodate for all students who are interested in participating, no matter what their experience. Students are also able to participate in the band, behind the scenes as members of the Tech Crew, as part of the Hospitality team, or in stage/prop design and costuming.
Being involved as a cast or crew member of the musical production involves commitment, teamwork and attendance at after-school, lunch time and some weekend rehearsals. This is communicated to students and parents/carers at the beginning of the year.

Drama Festival
Caboolture State High School participates in the annual Sunshine Coast Schools' Drama Festival providing a showcase opportunity for our creative Drama students. The drama festival celebrates all drama students and all drama educators in an enjoyable, supportive and exciting way. The festival includes a Drama Bootcamp with workshops for students to further develop their drama skills and a performance event where students, from Sunshine Coast schools, perform on stage for a live audience and receive feedback from industry professionals. Students who are involved in the festival will be required to commit to some lunch-time and after-school rehearsals.
Music Extension
The Music Extension program is a subject designed specifically for students in Years 7-9 who have a genuine interest in music, have had previous experience with music and wish to study music at a more advanced level.
Students in the Music Extension program will participate in a wide variety of advanced learning experiences including performance opportunities (solo and ensemble), composing for various instruments and styles, exploring different styles of music and building on knowledge of music notation, theory, and analysis. This will involve singing, playing a variety of instruments, experimenting with music technology, composing through a manipulation of music elements and working with a wide variety of music repertoire. Students who study music will develop problem solving skills, time management skills and communication skills.
Acceptance into the Music Extension program is via application only and the selection process will take into account music ability, performance standard, behaviour and academic achievement. Students who have experience with learning a musical instrument throughout primary school, having private singing or instrument lessons or being skilled in a particular area of music are encouraged to apply. It is recommended that students continue in this program in Years 8 and 9, preparing them for the senior Music subject.
Instrumental Music
In addition to the classroom Music curriculum, we offer a co-curricular Instrumental Music Program. Students who have studied a musical instrument in primary school can continue lessons throughout high school, and we can also accommodate for students who would like to begin their Instrumental Music journey. Students have one lesson per week with the Instrumental Music teacher on a Monday or a Friday and this runs on a rotation so they will not miss too many lessons of the same subject. Students will also be expected to attend Concert Band rehearsals on a Friday morning before school. At Caboolture SHS, students can loan an instrument from the school for their lessons, rehearsal at home, band practice and performances at no cost. The Concert Band has opportunities to participate in workshops and performances a throughout the year including Drumming workshops, Brass Band workshops, Fanfare, Cluster network performances, assemblies and school events.

For further information about The Arts at Caboolture State High School, please contact Zoe Donaghey, Head of Department - The Arts on 5498 0111.