Caboolture State High School is committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for students, staff and visitors.
In this environment students have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences and access equitable educational opportunities, resulting in improved outcomes for all students.
We encourage high standards of behaviour from all in the school community, ensuring learning and teaching in our school is prioritised, where all students are able to experience success and staff enjoy a safe workplace.
At Caboolture State High School, we apply 'Every Day Counts' strategies and we want all students to attend every day. Students cannot learn to their full potential if they are not here, in class, on time and stay for the entire day.
In 2019, we put a number of new systems and processes in place to support everyone to improve attendance and participation. If you need help getting your student to school, please contact their year level coordinator, HOD or DP. You will find their contact details under Our Staff.
Students are not to leave the school grounds during breaks. Students are not permitted to go to the shop across the road during school hours. Please do not send notes requesting permission for students to go to any shops during lunchtime as they will not be approved. Students need to bring their own lunch or purchase lunch from the school tuck-shop.
All student absences must be reported to the school. If your child is going to be absent from school, please notify the school of your child's absence prior to 9:00am each day. We are required, by the Department of Education, to implement a same day absence notification to parents/carers.
Details must include:
Student name, parent/carer name, Extended Form Group and reason for absence - this information is important if you have more than one child attending our school.
If no notification has been received by the school by this time, the student will be marked with an 'unexplained absence'.
Parents/carers will be notified via our message service
Parents/carers are required to confirm the student absence by replying to the text message
Only then will the absence information will be updated
Parents and carers may use either of the following methods to report a student absence:
If your child has a mobile phone, then during the day it is appropriate to contact your student directly on their mobile phones, via text, if you need to pass on information. Students must not answer phone calls or respond to texts during class times, they will only be able to respond to you in the break times.
If your child needs to leave for an appointment before the end of the school day, please ensure you (as the parent/carer) provides them with a permission note that they can hand in at our student counter. They will need to arrange for a leave request before school starts. The note must include the student's name; Extended Form Group; and requested leave time. Our administration team will process the leave request, sending an SMS to the parent to confirm the information is correct. Students will receive a leave request slip, if they are leaving during class times, which students will be required to show teachers, before being allowed to leave the class. The student must then report to the office to leave the schoolgrounds.
We understand that in some circumstances, appointments come up at the last minute. In cases where you have not been able to provide the required note before school, please contact the office directly on 5498 0111.
If your child has a mobile phone, and they are not aware of the arrangements, you may also send them an SMS to notify them. Please note that students must have their phones turned off in class, therefore they may only get your message in break times.
Please note, we do not have a paging system within the school, nor do we have the administration staff who are able to leave the office to find your child, so pre-organising your child is the best way to ensure a smooth departure.
Students who are late to school are required to present to the student counter so they can be issued with a late pass.
If a student is absent from Lesson 1, they will be marked with an unexplained absence. Parents/carers will receive an SMS to advise them of their child's absence. We ask that parents/carers respond to these SMS's, so that your student absences can be recorded correctly.
Students who become ill while at school must follow the correct procedure, as outlined below.
Students must report to the First Aid Room, which is located in C Block.
They must request a movement pass from their classroom teacher to move to the First Aid Room.
Our First Aid Room Teacher Aides will then phone a parent or carer to advise and arrange collection if necessary.
If your child does contact you, please ask them to go to the First Aid Room.