In 2025, students are expected to wear the formal uniform on
Monday of every week.
Our school uniform is essential in maintaining community respect and students are expected to wear the correct school uniform each and every day.
Students must not combine items of the day uniform with the formal uniform, i.e.- students must be wearing all formal, or all everyday uniform together.
Shoes need to be either leather or vinyl, as students are required to conduct experiments in science, cooking in home economics, practical lessons in manual arts, activities on the farm in agriculture and hands on lessons in visual arts, even just having fun in the playground, without wearing the correct shoes, students may miss out on these opportunities due to safety concerns.
Purchasing the school uniform
The school does not have uniforms to purchase (new or second-hand). All school uniforms can be purchased from the School Locker at North Lakes. The School Locker is open Monday to Saturday and have all sizes of all uniforms in store.
The School Locker is located at:
Shop 9A, 4-6 Burke Crescent. North Lakes QLD 4509
Phone: 3490 1400 Email:
All uniforms can be purchased either online or in-store at The School Locker, North Lakes.
Please refer to the flyers below:

The uniform standards can be found in the Student Code of Conduct.
Students attending school wearing an incorrect uniform, have the opportunity to swap their item of clothing to a more appropriate and approved uniform item. Students must see their Year Coordinator to access a school uniform.