The following bus companies service Caboolture State High School:
Caboolture Bus Lines: (07) 5495 4744
Christensen's Buses: (07) 5497 1478
Coast and Country Buses: (07) 5496 6589
Kangaroo Bus Lines: (07) 5498 6466
Please refer to the following information from Caboolture Bus Lines regarding school services from Term 1, 2025:
School Service Change 7217am.pdf
School Service Change 7222am.pdf
School Service Change 7226pm.pdf
School Service Change 7227pm Mon to Thu.pdf
School Service Change 7228am.pdf
School Service Change 7236pm Mon to Thu.pdf
School Service Change 7244am.pdf
School Service Change 7276pm Fri.pdf
School Service Change 7277pm Fri.pdf
School Service Change 7309am 7309pm.pdf